Saturday, April 26, 2008

Foster Daughter is Leaving

The pitbull puppy is leaving us next week. The owner will be picking her up any time next week and I'm sure, we will all be affected. For the past few days, we have learned to love the cute little one.

I'm sure I'll miss the feel of small fangs on my feet when I watch TV and she plays with them.

I will miss her presence on our bedroom door as she tries to sniff the air-conditioned air through the small spaces of the door.

I will miss her little presence on the bathroom door where she usually sleeps and jumps up to sneak into the bathroom when somebody opens it. She likes to splash herself with water and I even caught her standing on her hind legs washing her face on a pail of water. We just have to make sure it's closed all the time.

Counting on the pairs of cut slippers, I will miss buying new slippers again. Without her, we will still be wearing our old ones.

God, I will really miss this small bundle of joy!!!


Anonymous said...

weew... you like pitbull? i'm always scared of pitbull, doberman, rottweiler, well, anything that can bite and has fangs actually haha...

Hope you can pet another cute puppy after her leaving you :)

The_Sphinx's World said...

hi tris, thanks for the comment.

actually, at first i was afraid of pitbulls, knowing their reputation. but when we had our first pit who died, i found out that this breed of dogs are really sweet and loyal to their owners too. so i learned to love them.

We also have a labrador, who surprisingly, bit the niece of my helper. generally though, labradors are said to be sweet and good-natured. perhaps it's just because she was caged before.

And I have a very cute dog too. she has reached her full growth, and is still very small like a puppy. i have a picture of her in my older post. she's a pug/shih tzu.


That is great that you foster and I think pitbulls get a bad rap. I think it is how they are raised not the breed. I foster animals myself and always hate to see them go but you know you helped save one. Good for you!

The_Sphinx's World said...

I love dogs, no matter what the breed. I like big dogs in particular because it makes me feel secure, having them around.

Fostering dogs is really great, but seeing them leave just makes me very sad because I get to love them easily.

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