Monday, April 28, 2008

Aiko and Yuki


小莉 said...

The first thing I wanted to do was to thank the author for making such a beautiful blog!
Thank you very much for the pictures which are on the page. They are splendid!

The_Sphinx's World said...

Thank you too! I can see you love dogs too. The pictures in your site are as splendid, if not more.

Your dog is so cute and cuddly, she could pass as a stuffed toy.

May I ask why I can't seem to read your captions? They all appear like question marks, or is it my PC's system that can't read them?


They are so cute! I bet my hound dog would love to get in there and play too!

The_Sphinx's World said...

hehehe... if we were neighbors, I'm sure your pet will always be welcome.

Joel said...

Cuteness! Specially the first picture!

The_Sphinx's World said...

thanks joel! The pictures are not so good because I'm just using my mobile phone. It makes it easier to catch them unaware.

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